Environmental Site Assessments
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are integral to all land development projects. A Phase I ESA identifies potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities. A Phase I is typically completed to research the current and historical uses of a property as part of a commercial real estate transaction. Current and historical operations at a location may have caused groundwater or soil contamination that represents a potential liability for lenders and landowners. As a result, identification of a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) may prevent financing by lenders, prevent the planned use of the property, and complicate or delay development. To manage risk, it is important to complete a phase I ESA according to the appropriate ASTM E1527 – 13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. To meet the standard of care for All Appropriate Inquiries under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the ESA must be completed by a qualified professional, typically a Professional Geologist or Professional Engineer.
Big Pine provides a full suite of environmental assessments and investigations under the purview of a Pennsylvania-licensed Professional Geologist and can provide PADEP Act II Site Investigation services. To ensure the success of your project, Big Pine can provide a variety of services including Phase I ESAs, soil and groundwater sampling, and environmental site investigations.
Additionally, Big Pine has the capability to assist with geotechnical investigations pertaining to landslide investigation and construction as well as geohazard investigations.
Associated Services:
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Phase II Environmental Site Investigations
Pre-Drilling or Pre-Construction and Post-Construction Groundwater Sampling
Environmental Inspections for Wellsite and Pipelines
Soil sampling/Core sampling
Monitoring well installation
Groundwater sampling/low-flow groundwater sampling
PADEP Act II Site Investigations
Stray gas sampling and mitigation
Vapor Intrusion
Geotechnical investigations
Geohazard investigations